Overheard @ The Tunecore Indie Artist Forum
Last week, Tunecore brought together LA's indie music community for its first ever Indie Artist Forum. By all measures, the day was a success and with Tunecore already stepping up. Continue reading
This Week in Music Commentary
Boston based MC Cam Meekins discusses hip hop, major labels vs DIY, and his charity work, Lazy Rich speaks on the importance of first impressions, and hit producer Om'Mas Keith explains why. Continue reading
How To Pin Tweets To Get More Attention
[UPDATED] Have a tweet that you want your followers to see for longer? There's a way. While most tweets are just a flash in the social media pan, Twitter users. Continue reading
MusicThinkTank Weekly Recap: 5 Signs You’re Ready to Release Your First Album • Before You Start A PR Campaign • More
This week on MusicThinkTank, we look at how to tell when you're ready to release your first full-length album, several critical things to consider before starting a PR campaign, and learn. Continue reading
Labels & Managers: Are You Helping Or Hurting Your Artist’s Growth?
Much of the work that labels and managers have traditionally taken care of in the industry, such as distribution and recording/mastering, can now be done by the artists themselves, and. Continue reading
Getting It Done: The Week In D.I.Y & Indie Music
Looking for a little DIY music industry advice? We've got it right here, from ideas for selling CDs at gigs, to how emojis can help you promote your music, to. Continue reading
13 Great Apps For Touring Musicians
Before loading up the van and hitting the road, here are a few apps to consider downloading that can help to make the whole process of DIY touring both easier. Continue reading
3 Things Bands Usually Overpack On Their First Tour
When loading up to go on tour for the first time, there are a few items that are better left at home rather than making your already crowded van feel. Continue reading