Read The Email From Grooveshark’s Co-Founder That Lost A Lawsuit and Doomed His Company
Despite a defiant response yesterday, Grooveshark appears to be a company on the brink of failure. New York Judge Thomas Griesa all but negated the company's Digital Millennium Copyright Act safe. Continue reading
Warner Bros. Attempting To Dodge Responsibility For False DMCA Takedowns
By Mike Masnick of Techdirt. One of the bizarre side notes to Hollywood's big lawsuit against the cyberlocker Hotfile was a countersuit against Warner Bros. by Hotfile, for using the. Continue reading
Are Our Creative Lives To Be Ruled By “Algorithmic Copyright Cops”?
The recent tale of a musician's cover song videos of works in the public domain being taken down due to misidentification by YouTube's ContentID system is but one example of. Continue reading