How Do We Benefit From Streaming? Can We?

Since Spotify launched in the United States, there have been various arguments over compensation and streaming. With that, Derek Miller weighs in on the situation and shares his opinion on. Continue reading

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8 Low Budget DIY Music Promotion Tips From Kosha Dillz

Rapper Kosha Dillz shares some wisdom on self-promotion when you on a limited budget. It’s a nice mix of specific suggestions and general principles for any DIY promoter.

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Derek Sivers Explains DIY (Decide It Yourself)

Derek Sivers recently released a series of videos, titled Uncommon Sense, in which he sensibly discusses music and entrepreneurship in a manner that cuts through a lot of noise while. Continue reading

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DIY Success 30H!3 On Promo, Songwriting & Pricing

Are you a DIY artist? Most DIY bands may not be on the Billboard charts, but the band, 3OH!3, has been on the charts and was born and raised in. Continue reading

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Approaching Music Journalists

DIY artists have the challenging task of marketing themselves. You have to present yourself well to marketing outlets like blogs, podcasts, online music communities, music websites, and magazines. On Music. Continue reading

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Is this the best or the worst time for independent musicians?

On Music Think Tank, Rich Gordon poses an interesting question – Is this the best or the worst time for independent musicians? With the ever growing DIY movement, musicians are. Continue reading

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An Introduction To The Self-Released Album

You have been working hard, playing your music and finally have a couple songs or maybe even an album. The question is: How do I sell my music or get. Continue reading

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Live Performances And Music Business Plans

These past two weeks on Music Think Tank, we concentrated on performances and the music business plan. Matthew Ebel wrote about how live performances should give the same experience as. Continue reading

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10 Success Strategies for DIY Musicians, Managers, & Promoters

The holiday season is upon us and Bob Baker is presenting a gift to readers of Music Think Tank: a new, six page report called 10 Success Strategies for DIY. Continue reading

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Daily DIY: How To Advance A Show

In the fourth of five excerpts from the book Reality Check – A Common Sense Guide to Breaking into the Music Industry, author Matthew Walt, a booking agent who has. Continue reading

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