Music Industry Reacts To Today’s Article 13 Defeat

UPDATED: The EU Parliament voted Thursday to open debate on Article 13, sweeping legislation that revamps copyright law in the European Union, putting more onus on the likes of YouTube. Continue reading

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How To Add Personality To Your Email Campaigns

When it comes to promoting a show or event, email is your best friend, as it still yields a higher return on investment than many forms of promotion. For emails. Continue reading

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EU Parliament Votes To Reopen Article 13 Debate

UPDATED: on Thursday morning the European Parliament voted to reopen the debate over the European Copyright Directive known as Article 13.  Today's vote is a set-back for the music industry,. Continue reading

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THU. BRIEF: EU Votes To Delay Article 13 • Tencent Music Nears $30B IPO • EU Article 13 Copyright Vote • New Piracy Stats • More

THURSDAY 7.5.18 Music Business News From Around The Web Updated continuously under the More News tab

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CD Baby’s Kevin Breuner On August’s DIY Musician Conference 2018

Kevin Breuner Of CD Baby joins Michael Brandvold on the Music Biz Weekly podcast to talk about the 4th annual DIY Musician Conference being held August 24-26th at the Omni Nashville. CD. Continue reading

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Average Musician Is Earning Less Than Ever [New Study]

In some unfortunate although perhaps not surprising recent news, a new study has revealed that, apart from those operating at the top rung of the business, the average musician is. Continue reading

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Why Every Indie Needs A Tour Ninja

In this piece, Laurens Kusters of shares his knowledge from the road. Having gained significant experience as a tour manager for many years, he discuses when to hire a. Continue reading

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Getting The Most Out Of Criticism Of Your Music

Humans, for the most part, don't often take criticism particularly well, and having someone pass judgement on your music can seem especially personal. Here we look at how make the. Continue reading

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Best Buy Just Killed The CD

Best Buy cut the number of music CD's it carries dramatically this week. The electronics retailer operates more than 1100 stores in the United States and was the largest chain. Continue reading

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Music Industry’s Nonsense ‘Myth Busting’ About EU’s Censorship Machines Essentially Just Saying ‘Nuh-uh’ Repeatedly

ALTERNATIVE VIEW: In this op-ed, Mike Masnick busts the myth busting of major EU publishers who were attempting to counteract criticism of the EU's Copyright Directive's Article 11 "link tax", and. Continue reading

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