Why Every Indie Needs A Ninja Road Manager

The role of tour manager requires an entirely different but equally important skillset from most other industry roles. Here we hear from David Burton, an incredibly seasoned veteran of the. Continue reading

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Hacking Spotify To Grow Followers, Streams, Playlist Slots

While the holy grail for artists is Spotify's tightly curated "home screen" playlists, working the system to earn a place on algorithm driven playlists is not only more achievable, but. Continue reading

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Milli Vanilli And 5 Infomous Lip Sync Disasters

A tradition of the modern music industry, lip syncing has been a mainstay for many "live" performances for years, however the format is such that when it fails, the show. Continue reading

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5 Mistakes You Should Avoid As A Member Of Your Local Music Scene

Contributing to your local scene is important to building your fanbase and growing your success, however as with so many aspects of the music industry, it's easy to misstep and. Continue reading

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7 Easy Steps For Landing A Job At A Record Label

A record label is a business, and like any business it needs quality employees. For those interested in working in the music industry from behind the scene, we look at. Continue reading

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Spotify Denies High Churn Rate

Following our recent report that Spotify was exeperiencing higher churn rates  – paid users not renewing their subscriptions -  as high as 16% in the US, Spotify has strongly denied the. Continue reading

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THU. BRIEF: Spotify Reports User Growth, Mixed Earnings • SiriusXM Soars • Facebook Stumbles

THURSDAY 7.26.18 Music Business News From Around The Web Updated continuously under the More News tab

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Rap, Activism, And Resonance: Measuring Event-Centric Fan Engagement

Rap and hip-hop have long been a powerful platform for social commentary and raising cultural awareness and, as the social and political climate grows more intense, we take a look. Continue reading

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Your Three Communities Part 3: Ambient Fans

Ambient fans. You know the one's were talking about even if you've never heard the term before.  "They are your social media friends who are aware of you via Twitter,. Continue reading

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Why Blogging Is Still A Powerful Tool For Musicians

As an indie musician, creating a blog may not be on the top of your priority list, writes Dave Kusek of the New Artists Model. But, a blog can actually. Continue reading

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