Buying, Selling Music Merch: The Basics

Revenue from merch can be a fantastic way to supplement your income as a performing musician, with the additional bonus of providing free advertising. Here we look at the basics. Continue reading

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eMusic Releases Questionable Blockchain ICO Plan

Alongside a backdrop of late payments to at least one distributor, music download store eMusic has just released a white paper spelling out an ambitious blockchain ICO. But,  writes David. Continue reading

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8 New Techniques For Promoting Your Band

With the rapid pace at which the music industry is changing, the methods which worked for promoting your band as recently as a few years ago have become less and. Continue reading

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TUE. BRIEF: Sony Sells Spotify Stock • Apple To Report Earnings • UMG 4Sale • Troy Carter Exits • More

TUESDAY 7.31.18 Music Business News From Around The Web Updated continuously under the More News tab

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How To Connect With Millennial Music Fans: 4 Ways

One of the largest and most engage market segments, millennial music fans are ripe to be marketed to. In this piece we look at four essential rules for making sure. Continue reading

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Pop Music Eats Itself: A&R Is Facing A Data Driven Crisis

It is no secret that data now drives who gets signed, with record labels chasing stats in search of the next streaming friendly hit.  But analyst Mark Mulligan and some. Continue reading

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Dropping The Ball Instead Of The Bass: How Every Musician Can Learn From The Onstage Mishaps Of Skrillex

While not an attempt to discredit Skrillex, this article looks at how the popular dubstep DJ's use of a complicated series of time sensitive electronic devices has had a tendency. Continue reading

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Music Minds Matter: Mental Health Support For Musicians

In this article, the good people at 6/8 Music highlight Music Minds Matter, a UK based initiative which works to provide musicians with comprehensive mental health support, including advice, signposting,. Continue reading

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11 Ways To Get Hired For (Or Fired From) A Gig As A Freelance Musician

In the way of large-scale, logistically complex freelance performance, musical entrepreneur Ari Herstand breaks down eleven key components regarding how artists who are hired for a freelance gig should conduct. Continue reading

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SoundExchange Q2 Payments Up 17.5%

SoundExchange distributed $208.7 million in sound recording performance royalties in Q2 2018. That's up both 17.5% over the same quarter last year and the $189.9 million paid out in the. Continue reading

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