Songwriters Deserve Better Than This, Says NMPA’S David Isrealite
A U.S. Department Of Justice decision to require 100% licencing of music has sent shock waves through the publishing and songwriting sectors. In this op-ed, David Israelite, the President and. Continue reading
Documentary On Happy Birthday Copyfraud Released Day After Song Enters Public Domain [VIDEO]
The day after the popular birthday ditty was declared to officially be in the public domain, Jenn Nelson has released a 15-minute documentary about the struggle to free Happy Birthday. Continue reading
Is The Great Artist Revolt Imminent?
Is an artist revolution imminent? As major labels renegotiate with YouTube, the likelihood of a deal which benefits artists being struck seems unlikely, raising the question of what will happen. Continue reading
10 Tips For Sending Songs
When sending either beats or songs to someone in hopes of landing a placement, there are certain rules one should follow that will greatly increase their chances of success. Here. Continue reading
“Happy Birthday” Officially Enters Public Domain
After a long legal battle, "Happy Birthday To You" has entered the public domain. It's part of a growing list of "moder" songs whose legal status is shifting as copyrights. Continue reading
Music Industry Needs More Than Taylor Swift To Win DMCA Battle
Artists like Taylor Swift and U2 have been gaining significant traction with their latest petition challenging the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, but for the movement to have any appreciable impact,. Continue reading
Venue Owners Battle BMI Over High Fees
Bar and club owners are becoming increasingly upset at the performing rights organization BMI, which they feel is imposing unfair mandatory fees on venues, the cost of which BMI is liable. Continue reading
How To Find Co-Writers You Love Writing With
Although it can be incredibly rewarding, co-writing songs is often a tedious, unproductive, and awkward experience, particularly if you don't mesh well with your songwriting partner. This article offers some useful advice on how. Continue reading