Copyright Infringement And The Music Industry
In this piece, Debbie Egel wades into the muddy waters of copyright infringement in the music industry, explaining how it works and how you can protect yourself. Guest post by. Continue reading

Alleged Music Pirate Also Stole Dozens Of Hypebot Articles
RikiMusic is pirating dozens of articles from Hypebot as well as allegedly uploading tracks from indie artists to Spotify and Amazon Music without authorization. Last week, Brett Basil of the. Continue reading
Jury To Decide Ed Sheeran, Marvin Gaye Infringement Case
US district judge Louis Stanton has ruled that a jury will decide the outcome of a plagiarism lawsuit against Ed Sheeran over his No. 1 single “Thinking Out Loud.” The. Continue reading
Iconic Tests Copyright Infringement Software For Indies
Iconic Artists has announced the beta testing of Streamtrack, its copyright infringement and reporting software. Launched as a response to the continued threat of piracy and exploitation faced by so many. Continue reading
RIAA Goes After Lengthy List Of Piracy Sites
Although music piracy ain't what it used to be it's still alive and well. Here we look at a list of some of the most notorious piracy platforms currently in. Continue reading
RIAA Forces Shut Down Of Top Streamripper YouTube-MP3
Popular YouTube ripping site, YouTube-MP3, is shutting down and giving its domain to the RIAA, as part of a private settlement that will end a copyright infringement lawsuit filed by. Continue reading
Developer Puts Game On The Pirate Bay Claiming Steam Key Resellers Are Bigger Evil
Although some of the larger publishers have yet to catch on, much of the gaming industry seems be gravitating toward better, more nuanced method of dealing with copyright piracy, as. Continue reading
Does Sensenbrenner Bill Mean It’s Time For A Grand Jury? [David Lowery]
In what could be bad news for songwriters, digital music services are seeking to make it much hard for music creators to sue broadcaster and digital music services, requiring them. Continue reading