These two Court Decisions should push you to Copyright your songs NOW!
Copyright registration is not technically required to recieve copyright protection., but two recent court decisions underscore the importance of registering your work right away. by Stephen Carlisle of Nova Southeastern. Continue reading

Songwriters, publishers must be paid late fees, U.S. Copyright Office confirms, NMPA responds
The U.S. Copyright Office (USCO) has confirmed that late fees must be paid to songwriters and music publishers if digital music services do not make royalty payments by the deadlines. Continue reading

Judge in AI lawsuit rules that humans are essential to copyright
US District Court Judge Beryl A. Howell has ruled that AI-generated art can’t be copyrighted. In a decision that will have implications for future court cases on copyrights for music. Continue reading

Copyright? No CopyLEFT and yes, it’s really a thing
You are most likely familiar with the concept of Copyrights, but have you ever heard of its cousin Copyleft? Here’s everything you need to know. by Bobby Owsinski of Music. Continue reading

U.S. Copyright Office says AI songs can be copyrighted (sometimes)
One of the few calming thoughts for songwriters regarding AI compositions is that at least AI doesn’t have IP rights. But that may be changing… by Bobby Owsinski of Music. Continue reading

350+ artists demand streaming royalty rule change, Publishers disagree
A letter organized by the Music Artists Coalition was signed by more than 350 artists, songwriters, and managers supporting a US Copyright Office proposal that would change how the MLC. Continue reading