The radical Augusta Holmès: History’s forgotten composer
In this piece, Daniel Reifsnyder takes a moment to introduce us to the legacy and symphonic/orchestral contributions of the tragically forgotten composer Augusta Holmès. Guest post by Dan Reifsnyder of. Continue reading
Reflections On The Music Of Jóhann Jóhannsson
In this piece, RE Katz reflects on the life and works of Jóhann Jóhannsson, who passed away recently after releasing his most successful solo album Orphée, and the spectacle of hope. Continue reading
On the Money: Examining Musicians’ Revenue Streams in the New Digital Landscape
What revenue streams are available to musicians and composers? On Music Think Tank, then Future Of Muisc Coalition Executive Director Ann Chaitovitz and Charles McEnerney have found 29 revenue streams. Continue reading