Infringement Was The CASE: A Look At Intellectual Property Legislation In New COVID Relief Bill
Tucked inside the new 5500 page COVID Relief package which includes much need #SaveOurStages funding were several unrelated pieces of legislation that impact musicians, the music industry, and the entire. Continue reading
How The CASE Act Will Become Small Claims For Copyrights
Recently passed in the House of Representatives and expected to pass in the Senate, the Copyright Alternative in Small-Claims Enforcement (or CASE) Act, will arm creators with another tool to. Continue reading
What You Need to Know About Music Modernization Act and CASE Act
The Music Modernization Act and CASE Act are two of the most important pieces of U.S. legislation for musicians in decades. This week Rachel Stilwell from Stilwell Law joins Michael. Continue reading
REWIND: The New Music Industry’s Week In Review
In this flip back through a crowded week in music industry news, we revisit the Secret Services interviewing of Eminem over his anti-Trump lyrics, the reason artists who can't sustainable. Continue reading