PRS For Music To Review Live Music Tariff
UK-based Performing rights organization, PRS for Music announced that it will be reviewing the terms of its Popular Music Concerts Tariff, which is a tariff applied to ticketed live popular. Continue reading
Jay Z’s TIDAL HD Music Service Expands Globally, Launch Event Monday 3/30
Just days after Jay Z completed the purchase of music streamers TIDAL and WiMP, he's consolidated the brand under the TIDAL moniker, announced a global expansion and is planning a star. Continue reading
Naxos Introduces Lossless Classical Music Streaming With ClassicsOnline HD•LL
To the average music consumer, the loss in sound quality created by buffering is virtually undetectable – but to the classically trained ear, the difference detectable when streaming music can. Continue reading
QTrax, Snapchat, and Self-Driving Cars
Cortney Harding takes an objective look at the future of Snapchat and QTrax and what their projected path could mean for the future of the music industry in her post. Continue reading
Music As A Marketing Tool
Guest Post by Colin Shaw on LinkedIn Pulse Music has a unique effect on our brain, especially concerning memory. Apple brilliantly capitalizes on all of them in its holiday ad. When it. Continue reading
Game Changing Data For Musicians: Knowledge Is Power
By Dan Servantes from Berklee College of Music's Music Business Journal. Knowledge is power. Francis Bacon knew this 400 years ago. In business-to-consumer businesses, where knowledge of the customer base is a. Continue reading