Music Publishing News Roundup 7.19.16: Songwriters Move To Exclude Sony • Music Dealers Implodes • Sony/ATV Claims Top Spot
The National Music Publishers’ Association and the Nashville Songwriters Association have moved to exclude Sony Music Entertainment from participating in the Copyright Royalty Board’s proceeding to determine mechanical royalty rates. Continue reading
Two Sides Of The Same Coin: ISRC And ISWC
ISRC (International Standard Recording Code) and ISWC (International Standard Musical Work Code) are the two codes responsible for cataloging business transactions associated with both composition and sound recording copyrights. Here's. Continue reading
7 Surprisingly Smart Yet Uncommon Music Career Investments
Most indie artists don't have a lot of money in the bank, so if you're going to spend your valuable savings or that money you raised crowdfunding, you're obviously going. Continue reading
5 Non-Annoying Ways To Promote Your Music On Social Media
Preaching the gospel of social media marketing is easy – doing it is not. There's a balance between being a stickler for strategy and becoming obnoxiously stagnant. Sam Friedman shares tips on. Continue reading