MTT Weekly Recap: Google+ is for People, Not Bands
Where The Music Industry Thinks Out Loud Ariel Hyatt: Musician's Arsenal: Killer Apps, Tools & Sites – Onesheet Jason Parker: Google+ is for PEOPLE, Not Bands Brian Franke: Why No. Continue reading
Why No One is Reading Your Newsletter
You’re a musician and have collected a list of email addresses and started sending out newsletters to these potential fans. This is great, but are people reading your newsletter or. Continue reading
Types Of Fans, Fan-Funding, Giving The Web A Voice, Cheaper Music, & Engaging Newsletters
This week on Music Think Tank, Jonathan Ostrow helped artists break down their fans into different categories. Brian Hazard argued against fan funding and offered advice on how to benefit. Continue reading
Why Is Music Cheaper Now? It’s Supply & Demand.
Artists such as Sufjan Stevens think that selling albums for $3.99 is unfair, but Stevens does not recognize that the market has caused prices to fall. Brian Franke explains why. Continue reading