MTT Weekly Recap: One Easy Way to Sell and Share Music on Facebook

Where The Music Industry Thinks Out Loud Bob Baker: One Easy Way to Sell and Share Music on Facebook Shaun Letang: Do Social Networks Really Help Musicians? Revisited David Greenberg:. Continue reading

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One Easy Way To Sell And Share Music On Facebook

Facebook is a great way for people to share photos and videos, but how do you use the site to share and sell music? On Music Think Tank, Bob Baker. Continue reading

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MTT Weekly Recap: Self-Released Albums, Elliott Smith, Recording, Music in the Cloud, MTT Community Manager

Where The Music Industry Thinks Out Loud Musician Wages: An Introduction to the Self-Released Album Padma Gillen: Thank you Elliott Smith Travis Whitmore: Recording: Getting it Right at the Source . Continue reading

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The Realities of Making a Living with Music in 2011

On Music Think Tank, Bob Baker is about to give you a dose of reality with his post. His rant is in response to all the posts about the doomed. Continue reading

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Live Performances And Music Business Plans

These past two weeks on Music Think Tank, we concentrated on performances and the music business plan. Matthew Ebel wrote about how live performances should give the same experience as. Continue reading

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10 Success Strategies for DIY Musicians, Managers, & Promoters

The holiday season is upon us and Bob Baker is presenting a gift to readers of Music Think Tank: a new, six page report called 10 Success Strategies for DIY. Continue reading

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