Thank you Bandzoogle for naming us to your ’10 best blogs for musicians and bands’
This week music web site and marketing platform Bandzoogle named “The 10 best blogs for musicians and bands.” Both Hypebot and our sister Bandsintown For Artists Insider blog made the. Continue reading

8 audio production blogs for aspiring producers
For amateur beatmakers, songwriters, and producers, the internet has a bountiful scope of offerings promising to improve you skills and further your success, but as with so many things on. Continue reading

7 songwriting blogs for dashes of inspiration
In this piece, Dan Reifsnyder shares some of his favorite sources for gathering valuable insights, advice, and quick hits of inspiration for songwriting. Guest post by Dan Reifsnyder of the. Continue reading

5 things to avoid when pitching music to bloggers
Getting coverage from music blogs is important for career growth, but with so much competition in the field, simple mistakes can quickly get you written off by busy, over-saturated bloggers.. Continue reading

Our 7 favorite songwriting blogs for a hit of inspiration
With the embarrassment of riches that is internet advice, finding useful, high quality advice on the art of songwriting can feel overwhelming. To make things a little easier, we here. Continue reading

Music Blogs That Actually Want D.I.Y. and Indie Music
We all know that getting your music into the ears of industry Powers-That-Be is incredibly difficult, but believe it or not, there are people out there actually looking for new. Continue reading
Blogging In 2019: How To Start A Successful Musician Blog
Now regarded as an actual job instead of just a hobby, blogging can have a lot of advantages when it comes to getting your music some serious exposure, but the. Continue reading
Music Think Tank Weekly Recap: Independent Radio/Blogs • Small Streamers And Unsigned Artists • Music Website Essentials • More
This week on MusicThinkTank, our valued contributors shared articles on the challenge independent music blogs and radio stations face in staying afloat, whether the proliferation of independent streaming platforms could. Continue reading
How Do Indie Music Blogs, Radio Survive? The Harsh Reality
In the current music economy, many of the independent blogs and radio stations which launch have a difficult time staying afloat, but such small outfits are critical to the success. Continue reading
TOP POSTS: This Week’s Most Read Posts On Hypebot
This week on Hypebot, some of our most popular articles kicking off the new year explored movement in the Gaye/Sheeran infringement case, a new report revealing an uptick in on-demand. Continue reading