Music Publishing Weekly Roundup: Pandora Abandons IRFA, Beats Music to Launch in January
Pandora has officially abandoned the Internet Radio Fairness Act – a piece of legislation that would have effectively reduced the royalty rates it pays to songwriters and publishers, as well. Continue reading
The Next Era Of The Music Business
Digital music is transforming the music industry and is rapidly picking up speed. More people are using streaming services and there are rumors that Apple is creating their own service.. Continue reading
A Possible Vision Of Beats’ Daisy As A Next Generation Music Service
By Mark Mulligan, independent music analyst and author of Music Industry Blog. Beats' codenamed Daisy subscription service has been getting a puzzlingly large amount of coverage for a service that. Continue reading
How Can Jimmy Iovine Misrepresent Music Curation Without Undermining Music By Beats?
Jimmy Iovine's recent misrepresentation of the current state of music discovery, encapsulated in repeated assertions in multiple interviews on the theme that there is no human music curation by streaming. Continue reading
Can Celebrity Products Like Beats, Pono, Motörheadphönes Popularize High-End Digital Audio?
By Eliot Van Buskirk of For years, pointy-headed freaks with golden ears have told everyone within earshot that MP3s, CDs, and just about every other popular format sounds like. Continue reading