How to make band rehearsals more productive

Band rehearsals generally serve one of three purposes – and chances are you’re squandering this valuable time. by Tony van Veen from the Disc Makers Blog One of the areas. Continue reading

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How to start a band in 9 steps

Eager to start your own band but don’t know where to start? Fear not. Starting a band doesn’t have to be intimidating. It just takes a lot of coordinating, communicating. Continue reading

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11 ways to have better band rehearsals

Band rehearsals are part of playing live music, and there are things you can do to ensure you’re making the most of your time. I’ve got 11 tips to get. Continue reading

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5 tips to keep your band focused for rehearsal

Making music with other people is fun, but it is easy to get off task. Here are 5 ways to keep your band on track during practice. A guest post. Continue reading

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Why less is more when it comes to touring for developing artists

There are the many challenges and and types of touring for developing artists. Read on and learn what’s best at every stage in a touring career. A guest post by. Continue reading

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13 questions you should ask a potential band member

The stakes couldn’t be any higher when it comes to choosing a new band member, as the decision can easily make or break a musical project. Here, industry consultant Bobby. Continue reading

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How to keep your band from breaking up

Keeping the peace between a group of passionate performers over a long period of time can, unsurprisingly, be quite a challenge. Here, we look at some essential tactics for how. Continue reading

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Garcia Peoples Proves The Hidden Potential Of A Music Residency

Brooklyn-based group Garcia Peoples share how they were able to use a month-long residency to not only experiment and improve their musicianship, but also foster greater, improved connections with fans.. Continue reading

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5 Big Tips That Will Save Your Band’s Tour

Going on tour is a big endeavor that requires planning. Many people have posted how to book a tour, but very few have talked about how to survive a tour.. Continue reading

Share on: Weekly Recap: 7 Ways to Double Your Fan Base & More

Where The Music Industry Thinks Out Loud    Marcus Taylor: 7 Ways to Double the Size of Your Fan Base Simon Tam: The Ultimate Guide to Band Merchandise Daniel McCarthy:. Continue reading

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