Saturday Is Record Store Day – GO BUY SOMETHING

Saturday 4/22 is the 10th Record Store Day, with hundreds of independent record stores celebrating a resurgence that most thought would never happen. Thanks to vinyl, survival skills and loyal. Continue reading

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Music Streamers Still Buy Music Says Study

Streaming is sometimes thought of as replacing any need to buy music, but a recent study from the British Phonograph Industry suggests that streaming my actually be motivating consumers to purchase. Continue reading

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MusicThinkTank Weekly Recap: Making Your Music Seem Like A Goldmine To Music Journalists

Casie Millhouse | How to Make Your Music Seem Like a Freaking Goldmine to Music Journalists Dixie Somers | A Little Fine Tuning: How Music Classes can Improve a Child's Confidence

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TIDAL Absorbs WiMP As Jay Z Takes Ownership Of Music Streamer, U.S. Relaunch March 30th

Apparently, Jay-Z and I have something in common besides the love of an occasional cigar. Neither of us liked the strange name WiMP for a music service. So, as of today,. Continue reading

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