Can the attention economy pandemic lockdown boom continue? [Mark Mulligan]
The globally shared boredom that resulted from the extended lockdown created a spike in the attention economy, but now that the world is getting busy again, is a recession starting?. Continue reading

Why songs today are shorter
While plus or minus three minutes was once the standard for recorded music, (owing in large part to radio play) the songs being released nowadays are much briefer, with many. Continue reading
This Week In Music Commentary
In our music commentary section this week, industry experts voice their opinions how music must compete in the 'attention economy', the scarceness of artificial scarcity, and why not all art. Continue reading
7 Steps to Artistic Longevity in the New Music Business
The attention span of the human mind is diminishing. In the world of music this is especially true. Not only are attention spans getting shorter, but the world is being. Continue reading
Blank Media Levies And The Precedent Of “Who Pays?” Has Ramifications Way Beyond Music…
The idea of a blank media levy is not at all new. The debate has been around since cassette tapes enabled affordable, large-scale private copying. Today, it seems as if. Continue reading
Next Big Sound’s Data Journalist Finds Stories In Numbers And Helps Labels Measure Success
Millennials may make up just under a quarter of the US population, but they have a huge influence when it comes to music fandom, according to Next Big Sound data. Continue reading