7 Tips For A Successful PledgeMusic Campaign
Barney has seen the PledgeMusic experience from all sides. Not only is he a valuable part of the PledgeMusic team, but he’s also a member of UK reggae rockers Sonic Boom. Continue reading
Sony Music Defeats “Iron Man” Composer’s Lawsuit (For Now)
A New York Federal Courts' recent decision concerning a "work for hire" determination could prove controversial. The Court's ruling involved "Iron Man", a rapper from the Wu-Tang Clan and a music composer. Continue reading
Pandora Dropped 2.3 Million Listeners In Last 3 Months, Stock Falls As Net Loss Widens
UPDATED: Pandora is heading into a stormy season, with court decisions, rate hearings and Congressional action all just ahead. Today's report to Wall Street, however, did nothing to calm investor. Continue reading
Smule Adds $38 Million In Funding For Music Apps, Social Network
Smule has moved beyond being just the creator of popular music apps. Smartly, they combined the apps into a popular music based social network, and today they were rewarded with $38 million. Continue reading
Do You Have What It Takes To Be On Tour?
Touring isn't for everyone. I've gone on the road for few days here and there, and by the third day, I'm usually done. I like daily showers, clean spaces, and. Continue reading