The Reasons Why CD Artwork Is Important to Your Band
If you manage a band and you’re looking to take it to new heights, it’s important you market correctly. Your band may well have the talent to be the next. Continue reading
Kalbells Talks Beating Cancer, Saying Yes To Yourself, Sowing Songs
In this segment of Soundfly's new interview series, they speak with Kalmia Traver, also known by the the name of her solo project Kalbells about her sources of inspiration and. Continue reading
SoundExchange Reaches Out To Help Gulf Coast Musicians
SoundExchange is reaching out to its members based in Texas and throughout the Gulf Coast to speed secure distribution of royalties in the wake of Hurricane Harvey and epic flooding. Continue reading
Neighboring Rights: An Updated Look
Here we dive back in to look further at 'neighboring rights', a form of rights holding which entitles allows monies to be distributed to artists and sound recording holders when. Continue reading
FREE Webinar Tomorrow On Booking Corporate, Private Gigs
The live show and ancillary income like merch makes up as much as 80% of the income of most musicians; and some of the most financially rewarding live shows are. Continue reading
Taylor Swift Shatters First Day, Single Day Spotify Streaming Records
Following it’s Friday release, Taylor Swift’s new single “Look What You Made Me Do” has shattered Spotify's single day streaming record. The song was streamed 10,129,087 times in the first day, giving her not only the. Continue reading
Prevent Failure by Managing Your Expectations [MusicBiz Weekly]
Expectations, do have them? Do have realistic expectations? Do you consider if your expectations can be met? This week on the Music Biz Weekly Podcast, Michael Brandvold and Jay Gilbert. Continue reading
Taylor Swift Shatters First Day, Single Day Spotify Streaming Records
Following it’s Friday release, Taylor Swift’s new single “Look What You Made Me Do” has shattered Spotify's single day streaming record. The song was streamed 10,129,087 times in the first day, giving her not only the. Continue reading
Free Webinar On Booking Corporate, Private Gigs For Your Band
Given how well it's help up in the digital age, the live show remains a large part of many bands and artists' revenue. One of the most financially rewarding types. Continue reading
BMG Launches Royalty Tracking App
BMG has partnered with a team of their songwriter clients to launch a new app to provide artists and rightsholders with up-to-date worldwide information on the value and source of. Continue reading