Want To Work Directly With Zane Lowe @ Beats 1? Apple Is Hiring
It looks like an entry level position, but you would be working directly with the man who is arguably the globe's hottest DJ. Apple Music has posted a job for. Continue reading
A Guide To Indie Sync With VICE Music Supervisor Lindsay-Bae Davis” FREE Webinar For Hypebot Readers
Making YouTube Pay: YouTubers vs. Bands
As both the audience and income for YouTube stars like PewDiePie continue to grow, bands and artists are generating a minimal amount of revenue from the service. This article looks. Continue reading
Indie Label For Sale On Craigslist For Just $5000
Running your own indie record label has probably been the dream of every Hypebot reader – unless of course you are one of those brave souls already living our dreams.. Continue reading
Reed Midem UK Names New Managing Director
Music industry mega-conference Midem organizer Reed MIDEM has announced that Simon Rhodes has joined the company as UK managing director. In his new position, Rhodes will oversee Reed MIDEM’s British-based. Continue reading