2020 Album Release Calendar: A Checklist For Getting Your Record’s Holiday Release
The Holidays are just around the corner, and can be a great time to drop a new release. Here, we break down how to map out the promotion and release. Continue reading

Serious Musicians Still Need To Make Albums: Here’s Why
As music consumption habits change, and listeners eschew traditional albums in favor of playlists comprising individual songs, many in the industry may be considering gravitating away from the traditional full-length. Continue reading

How Moses Sumney Tweaked The Release Model [Troy Carter, Phil Waldorf Interview]
Already an acclaimed music success, R&B artist Moses Sumney decided to switch things up with the release of his sophomore album by dropping one half of the 20-track græ in. Continue reading

When Is The Best Time To Release An Album?
With so many moving parts in the music industry, finding the right time to release an album that works for you and your team can be a challenge. Here Amber. Continue reading

Singles Vs. Albums: What Performs Better In 2020 [VIDEO]
As the music economy continues to shift the ways in which we consume content, opinions differ on the ‘best’ way to release in the year. Here we look some tips. Continue reading

4 Ways To Handle Distribution Costs Of Your First Album
Releasing an album is an important step in the progression of your music career, but successfully funding the creation and distribution of your full length debut can be difficult. Here. Continue reading

6 Reasons Great Album Covers Can Help Grow Successful Music Careers
While it might be nice to think that the quality of your music will stand for itself, the reality is that visuals are hugely important to your brand, and choosing. Continue reading
5 Out-Of-The-Box Promotion Ideas For Your Next Album
In this ever-expanding world of entertainment publicity, reaching your listeners and fans requires a carefully orchestrated, unique marketing plan. Here we look at five eye-catching promotion ideas for building that. Continue reading
Death Of The Album [Alex Heiche]
It seems the music format of generations is finally on its deathbed. Whether in the form of 8-tracks, cassettes, or vinyl, the album has seen its share of changes, but. Continue reading
How You Should Be Marketing Your Next Album, Single Release
For many artists, marketing their work is by far the most loathsome aspect of being a DIY artist. Whether you hate it or not though, selling your music is essential,. Continue reading