Did Technology Kill Your Local Music Scene?
The internet forever changed how we consume and create music as individuals… but what about as groups? Anyone from the pre-internet music era will surely tell you stories of how particular. Continue reading
Crowdcasting App Helps Fill Your Gigs, But Not With Fans. Is This A New Kind Of Pay To Play?
Given that attendance is so often a concern for artists, it should come as no surprise that a new app has been developed which provides a 'crowd for hire' and. Continue reading
David Skorton Talks Berklee Online, The Future Of Education
Famed educator and music enthusiast David Skorton recently opted to give online education a shot in the form of a music course. Here he shares his experience and talks about. Continue reading
Why The Rebirth Of Liner Notes Matters For Music
In the old days, consumers of music were able to flip through liner notes of an album in order to ascertain precisely who was behind their favorite tracks. Now, after a. Continue reading
TUE. BRIEF: Spotify, Apple Drive Music Biz Growth • Live Nation Says No Streaming Ads • #Twitter Relaxes Limits • More
TUESDAY 9.20.16 Music Business News From Around The Web With Spotify and Apple the frontrunners, can anyone other than behemoths Pandora and Amazon hope to compete? Updated continuously under our More. Continue reading