Using The Lean Start Up Method For Music Promotion?
The lean startup method, designed in as means of presenting an idea to a consumer to determine the minimum viable product. Here we look at whether this startup technique could. Continue reading
Customize Your Videos With YouTube End Screens
Every YouTube channel's goal is to get consumers to fall down a rabbit hole of watching more and more content, something which has been made easier by the platform's introduction. Continue reading
23% Of CDs Sold On Amazon Are Counterfeit, Say Investigators
As much as 23% of all CD's sold on Amazon are counterfeit, according to multiple investigations. We first reported on the problem two weeks ago after an alert was sent. Continue reading
Time Travel, Teleportation And Music Publishing Metadata
This article looks at the value of metadata, as well as the challenge of keeping it accurate and up-to-date over time, as ownership and rights can easily change from year. Continue reading
Facebook vs.Twitter: Promoting Your Music Online
Here we look at why, as in independent musician, Twitter can often be a better starting place than Facebook when it comes to DIY online promotion, owing to its easy accessibility. Continue reading
Bandposters: Design, Print, And Ship Promo Posters In 90 Seconds Or Less
Bandposters is made for artists, managers, labels, and promoters to design, print, and ship posters directly to venues and other locations all in 90 seconds or less. With a newly. Continue reading