What To Send To Your Fan Email List [Dave Kusek]
An email list isn’t worth much if you never use it. In fact, an email list isn’t worth much if you only use it every now and then. It is. Continue reading
Four Types of People You Can Get Gigs From (And How to Ask Them)
How do I get gigs? This inquiry into the ever-elusive "gig" has been on the minds of new musicians for a very long time. In a perfect world, we'd all. Continue reading
Forming A Band As An LLC: A How-To Guide
When you start making a bit more money as a band and get to the point where this is really your career, you need to start treating it like a. Continue reading
4 Music Promotion Hacks The Lazy (Or Insanely Busy) Musician
Not many have the luxury of being full-time musicians with no other commitments. Typically, musicians juggle a career, school, day job, family, or a combination of the four. Unfortunately, they're. Continue reading
Bandposters: Design, Print, And Ship Promo Posters In 90 Seconds Or Less
Bandposters is made for artists, managers, labels, and promoters to design, print, and ship posters directly to venues and other locations all in 90 seconds or less. With a newly. Continue reading
7 Tips To Getting Things Done And Moving Your Career Forward
Even with the tremendous availability of music business advice on blogs and in published books, many musicians still struggle with getting things done and climbing to that next level of. Continue reading
12 Radio Promotion Tips To Help Build Awareness For Your Band
Radio promotion is the process of soliciting your music to radio stations to get airplay, to build professional relationships, and to make fans. Are you getting the most out of. Continue reading