Bob Dylan Launches ‘Heaven’s Door’ Whiskey Brand
Bob Dylan announced the launch of a new line of whiskeys he’s calling ‘Heaven’s Door.’ Based out of a deconstructed church in Tennessee, Heaven’s Door is a collaboration with liquor entrepreneur. Continue reading
5 Ways Music Modernization Act Could Be Fairer For All Creators
The Music Modernization Act has passed the U.S. House of Representatives, and while much of the bill's content seems positive on the service, there are a number of ways in. Continue reading
NYC Finally Repeals 100 Year Old Law Prohibiting Dancing In Bars
New York City has repealed a century-old restriction barring dancing in bars if they do not have a cabaret license. According to the New York Times, the City Council on. Continue reading
How Gene Simmons Of KISS Mastered The Art Of Selling The Experience Instead Of The Music
Is music becoming more about the experience than the music itself? It seems Gene Simmons of KISS may have just cracked the code on how to sell music: you don't. Continue reading
RIAA Rebuts Songwriter Moral Rights Critics: ‘We love metadato too!’
We share at the full text of an open letter from the the RIAA to songwriter groups in response to their criticism after the RIAA's filed a letter with the. Continue reading
Support Copyright Office Legislation And Call Congress
Here Chris Castle urges readers to support new bipartisan legislation making the Librarian of Congress a presidential appointment, as well as bringing about several other badly needed fixes to the. Continue reading
New Fair Play, Fair Pay Act: What’s Inside?
In a recent rare and purposeful show of bi-partisan support, the Fair Play Fair pay act was re-introduced, with the hopes of modernizing U.S. law as it relates to the. Continue reading
New Leaked Documents Expose Waste, Incompetence At U.S. Copyright Office
Access to new leaked documentation has revealed that Congress may be moving towards disaster for content creators as it progresses with altering how the head of the Copyright Office is. Continue reading