Watch Live Video Of Digital Music Forum West
UPDATE: CLIPS OF LAST WEEK’S FORUM CAN BE VIEWED HERE. Can’t make it to Digital Music Forum West? You can watch live video of all the panels and other action. Continue reading
60 Second Pitch: Songza
TechCrunch has a fascinating community video project that allows startup CEO’s to pitch their idea in a 60 second video. From time to time we’ll share some of the best. Continue reading
Radar Connects Artists With Budget Video Producers
Videos are not just for MTV anymore. With the growth of dozens of cable channels and thousands of online outlets, producing a music video is more important than ever. Videos. Continue reading
Derek Sivers Shares A Little Wisdom
CD Baby founder Derek Sivers spoke recently at his alma mater in Boston and shared "6 Things I Wish I Knew The Day I Started Berklee". It’s basic but important. Continue reading
Try To Look Busy Today…
You know and I know that you don’t feel like working today. In fact, studies show this is the second slowest business week of the year. To help you feel. Continue reading