Share Your Tour Stories With Intersect

Intersect is yet another social network with some interesting distinctions that make it worth considering for documenting a tour or special musical event. You create entries which are marked by. Continue reading

Share on: Offers Promotional Url Shortening

If you follow all things Lady Gaga, you may have heard about her investment in social networking platform called the Backplane. It's a project spearheaded by her business manager Troy. Continue reading

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HackLolla Apps Leverage Lollapalooza API

[Update 2] The folks from the festival shared this update: "iLollapalooza was an entry in our HackLolla contest this year.  Our official app launched yesterday, it’s called “Lollapalooza Official App”. Continue reading

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ConcertsInYourHome Brings Artists & Fans Together For House Concerts

A number of sites for artists to book shows were suggested to me after recently discussing I wrote briefly about four of them but decided to save one, ConcertsInYourHome,. Continue reading

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Thomas Dolby’s Floating City Goes Beyond Marketing

Thomas Dolby's recently released web-based game "The Floating City" is both a marketing device for his upcoming album, "A Map of the Floating City", and an interesting project in its. Continue reading

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Simple Plan Harness Photo Tagging Power Of ThingLink

ThingLink – a free service that adds links and tags within photos – is proving to be a valuable tool for d.i.y. musicians and music marketers. They've taken photo tagging. Continue reading

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4 Gig Booking Sites: BandSurfing, Indie On The Move, Getagig Info, Sonicbids

My recent discussion of returned some suggestions for similar web services. Here I briefly discuss four sites, BandSurfing, Indie on the Move, Getagig Info and Sonicbids, focusing on their. Continue reading

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GigsWiz & The Human League Help Disrupt The Ticket Industry

TicketMaster has long been unpopular with both music fans and many bands. GigsWiz' approach to building an alternative was to create a system that rewards artists for ticket sales resulting. Continue reading

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Finding Influencers In The Media With mPACT

After recently reviewing SocMetrics, a web service focused on identifying social media influencers in topical niches, I had the opportunity to speak with Gary Lee, CEO of mBLAST, about their. Continue reading

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Pimp Your Site: Hello Bar vs. Wibiya Web Toolbar

While social networks are critical for music marketing, all musicians should have a home site under their control in order to offer a rich reservoir of news, content and such. Continue reading

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