Flowd’s Social Music Network Features Electronica

Though Flowd bills itself as the "Music Lovers' Social Network", it seems to have become a dj driven music network with the top artists mostly identified as "trance". Judging by. Continue reading

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Songpier Turns Any Song Into An App For Free

If you've been wishing you could get your Bjork on, now you can with a Songpier mobile web app for every song on your next album. Songpier does not offer. Continue reading

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Musedash: Free Social Media Dashboard + Analytics

Musedash's "online dashboard for musicians" is a niche focused version of a variety of services that have had varying levels of success allowing you to post to multiple social networks. Continue reading

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backBEAT for Monetizing Live Streaming Events

backBEAT is a streaming event video service for musicians from likeZEBRA with some similarities to StageIt. backBEAT treats live webcast events as one-of-a-kind experiences that are not archived and are. Continue reading

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Connect With Fans Using New Mobile Backstage Facebook & Mobile Apps

Mobile Backstage provides a mobile social network for your band or brand. They've recently added a Facebook app to extend their presence into that domain. Connecting your band's network to. Continue reading

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Shoudio Offers Free Service for Mobile Audio Recording with Geolocation Networking

Shoudio, the "location based audio platform", is an interesting mobile app that for once made me think more about art than about commerce. It's not that Shoudio doesn't offer marketing. Continue reading

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Talenthouse Connects Talent To Celebrity Artists

Talenthouse is an interesting hybrid of competitive opportunities to create work for big stars or big brands and a showcase/artist's portfolio for creative talent. The real lure here is the. Continue reading

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Crowdbooster – The Best Free Social Media Monitoring Tool I’ve Seen So Far

After summarizing some of Dan Zarella's Twitter and Facebook timing data and then checking out some fairly simple Twitter timing tools, I decided to take a look at a service. Continue reading

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Hotlist Features The Roots’ Okayplayer and Tribe Called Quest Film

Hotlist, a service that helps you decide which upcoming events you will consider hot, appears to have enlisted The Roots' Okayplayer and the film Beats, Rhymes & Life: The Travels. Continue reading

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ShoutOmatic’s Upgrades Include Great Tools For Music Marketing

ShoutOmatic is a free audible status update service that allows you to create short messages or "shouts" that can be linked from Twitter, played on Facebook or heard on your. Continue reading

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