Mixes Live Web Performance With Instant Death presented last week at TechCrunch Disrupt and received a warm welcome though I have to wonder if the deluge of startup conferences that week undermined the amount of publicity. Continue reading
955 Dreams Unveils Band of the Day iPhone App
Developer 955 Dreams is back and winning the hearts and minds of high level tech bloggers with another app, this time for the iPhone though it's also being made available. Continue reading
SonicAngel Creates Hybrid Crowdfunded Label
SonicAngel is a unique hybrid of traditional record label and crowdfunding platform that allows fans to become investors and artists to reap a larger percentage of revenue. They began in. Continue reading
Groovebug Gathers Content From Across Web To Create Rich iPad Music Experience
Groovebug, a free interactive music magazine app for the iPad, launched earlier this month. It offers recommended content based on your iTunes account as well as browsable content drawn from. Continue reading
ThingLink Adds Ecommerce To Photo Tagging With Topspin, iTunes, SoundCloud & More
ThingLink, a company offering free embedded photo tagging with links to a variety of social media and music services, has added ecommerce links to their offering. Now you can add. Continue reading
Beastie Boys Double Crowdsource Their New Poster
First the Beastie Boys turned to graphic design crowdsourcing site Creative Allies to design a post for their new single "Don't Play No Game That I Can’t Win (featuring Santigold)". Continue reading
Vinyl Crowdfunding Site Hifidelics Readies First Projects, Seeks Feedback
Hifidelics is a crowdfunding and fan feedback startup for vinyl album releases currently in beta. Unnlike sites that just focus on the fundraising process, Hifidelics will also physically produce and. Continue reading
ShortForm’s VJ Channels Offer Playlists, Live VJ’ing
ShortForm is yet another VJ site featuring curation of videos from YouTube and Vimeo. However, unlike most such sites that offer either set playlists of videos, like Reelr.TV, or live. Continue reading
RapGenius Builds Web Community For Rap Lyrics
Rap Genius has been getting a new wave of press coverage lately and, though I'm not sure what kicked it off, it's easy to see why the site gets attention.. Continue reading
Rockstar Motel Set To Unveil Social Platform For Promoting Artists And Fans
Rockstar Motel is a social networking site focused on building a platform for publicizing both artists and fans emphasizing indie and unsigned musicians. Its initial version, set for public unveiling. Continue reading