Are Social Updates A New Form of Merchandise?

Guest Post:  Matt MacNaughton is the co-founder and CEO of Culture Jam which has launched several Twitter and Facebook applications that power viral promotions, allowing artists to distribute promotional content,. Continue reading

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Advice For Musicians In 140 Characters Or Less

I recently asked Hypebot's Twitter followers to contribute their best advice to musicians in twitterspeak's 140 characters or less. Below are a few of the best that that I gathered. Continue reading

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Australian Indies Rally Against MySpace Music

MySpace Music launched in Australia last week with all four major label groups plus indie labels from IODA and The Orchard. But left off the new service were some of. Continue reading

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Twitter Tests New Feature. Are You On The List?

Twitter is beta testing a new feature called Lists with limited number of users before a wider roll out.  The motivation behind Lists is the realization that once you start. Continue reading

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MySpace Music Shares Strong Stats, Adds Australia

MySpace Music shared some strong U.S. August stats yesterday.  From Nielsen Netview – MySpace Music unique users have grown 169% since launch in September 2008 and 1472%, year-over-year The site. Continue reading

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MySpace Update Syncs Floods Twitter

Since MySpace turned on a new function which automatically syncs updates to Twitter last week, the micro-blogging site has been flooded with additional traffic.  MySpace syncs, which show up as. Continue reading

Share on: Adds Microvideos To Social Networking

Startup enables users to add quick 4 second videos to their social networking.  Microvideos can be uploaded from a mobile phone camera or webcam and spread on Facebook, Twitter,. Continue reading

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6 Ways To Make The Most Of Twitter’s 140 Characters

(Updated) Artists from Trent Reznor to Amanda Palmer and Imogen Heap have shown the power of Twitter for fostering and monetizing a more direct relationship between artists and fans. Many. Continue reading

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MySpace Beats Facebook With Twitter Synch

MySpace began rolling out new functionality today that allows users to sync their MySpace status updates with a Twitter feed.  Any U.S. user can opt-in so that updates created on. Continue reading

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MySpace Music’s Homepage Gets A Makeover

With just a mention buried on its blog for an announcement, MySpace Music's homepage got a makeover earlier this week. It's slicker, more focused and divided into clearer sections for. Continue reading

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