Consider A Promotionless To Popular Strategy First
If there's anything that Bruce Warila is well-known for, it's smashing heads with conventional thinking and providing new insight into why artists do the things they do, and more specifically,. Continue reading
Last Week On Music Think Tank
(UPDATED) Where The Music Industry Thinks Out Loud Kyle Bylin: On File-Sharing: Are You Smarter Than A 12th Grader? Brian Hazard: The Jango Focus Group Ariel Hyatt: Madina Lake's bass. Continue reading
30 Tips For The Typical Musician
There are two new posts up over at Music Think Tank. One is from Jon Ostrow titled Reality TV Killed The Rockstar. But Is That So Bad; it is on. Continue reading
Music Think Tank Radio: Upload Your Song Now
(UPDATED) Our sister blog, Music Think Tank, has this great feature called Radio, where artists can upload their music and expose their songs to other artists, to managers, and to. Continue reading
My Response To “Why You Should Pay For Music.”
(UPDATED) Near the end June, audio engineer Jon Sheldrick published a rather thoughtful, well-written essay titled "Why You Should Pay For Music." It was everywhere. Huffington Post. Sound Ctrl. Hell,. Continue reading
Music Think Thank: “Jango Listeners Are Real People Who May Become Real Fans.”
Over at our sister blog Music Think Tank, there are two new posts up. One is from Ariel Hyatt of Ariel Publicity, on why Madina Lake's bass player Matthew Leone. Continue reading
Last Week On Music Think Tank
Where The Music Industry Thinks Out Loud Jonathan Ostrow: Why Music Should Never Be Given Away For Free. Bruce Warila: Eight Recent Social and Technical Phenomena That Are Making Your. Continue reading
Why Music Should Never Be Given Away For “Free”
Over at our sister blog Music Think Tank, there are two new posts up. One is from Chris Bracco, editor of Tight Mix, on how to track the results of. Continue reading
Eight Recent Social and Technical Phenomena
Over at our sister blog Music Think Tank, there are two new posts up. One is from Chris Taylor, a co-founder of MicControl, a music blogging network, on the 11. Continue reading
Get Your Music On Blogs & The Joy Of Discovery
Over at our sister blog Music Think Tank, there are two new posts up. One is from Chris Bracco, the digital marketing coordinator at Intrigue Music, LLC, on how to craft. Continue reading