Jazzfest Swings To New Media

From the New Orleans Times Picayune: "When Jimmy Buffett performed at the Mahalia Jackson Theatre of the Performing Arts on Wednesday night, the New Orleans audience wasn’t the only one. Continue reading

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New Technologies Changing Radio’s Future

For a good non-technical overview of all of the technologies competing with traditional broadcast radio; check out this article in the Greensboro, NC News-Record .  The article takes a look. Continue reading

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Rock Hall Announces Inductees

Launch and The Asosciated Press are reporting that, "Irish rockers U2, R&B singers The O’Jays and soul balladeer Percy Sledge are among five musical legends to be inducted into the. Continue reading

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Three Net Companies Join Forces To Break Indy Acts

Many Music 2.0 convention attendees recently attended a live concert performance by Geoff Byrd, an indie artist sponsored by MSN, Garageband, and Live365. The three net companies have joined together. Continue reading

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New Service TrakHeadz.com Distributes Promo Tracks To DJ’s Digitally

From Music Dish Network By The G-Man For all the hype surrounding digital distribution, nearly all initiatives have revolved around the distribution of music directly to fans for pay or. Continue reading

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Survey Says Artists Don’t Believe P2P Hurts Them

Rueters and The Hollywood Reporter reort that, "Most musicians and artists say the Internet has helped them make more money from their work despite online file-trading services that allow users. Continue reading

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Universal Music Explores It’s Own Cable Channel

The New York Times reports that the Univesal Music Group "is in talks to put the channel on the Dish Network, owned by EchoStar Communications, the executives said. Universal is. Continue reading

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U2 Plays Free Unannouced Shows In NYC

Ever the smart marketers, U2 promoted their new CD release on the streets of NYC yesterday according to The Hollywood Reporter. "Irish rock star Bono brought traffic to a standstill. Continue reading

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WEED Says Listen Before You Buy

Wired.com writes that "while the music industry attempts to shutter peer-to-peer services in court and in Congress, one company is using P2P networks to promote and pay artists." "Shared Media. Continue reading

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Universal Experiments With Digital Only Releases

The New York Times today reported that Universal is starting a "digital only" release program for select indy bands. "…this week, the Shazam and seven other relatively unknown acts will. Continue reading

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