Apple Unveils New iTunes Software

According the the SF Examiner,  Apple "…is working on a new update of its popular iTunes music software that will accommodate podcasts, Chief Executive Officer Steve Jobs said Sunday night.". Continue reading

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French Judges Wonder If File Sharing Is A Crime

From "Record labels and movie studios are counting on the courts to help wage their war against global online piracy. But in France, some courts are refusing to go. Continue reading

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Study Predicts Demise Of Paid Music Dowloads And Rise In Subscritipions

(CelebrityAccess MediaWire) While online music stores like Apple’s iTunes have attracted millions of customers by selling downloads of songs or albums, changing market conditions will make subscription-based music services the. Continue reading

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Most Men Choosing Gaming Over Music

Gaming trumps music for most men according to new Nielson Soundscan Survey. Digital Music News reports that "according to the Nielsen finding, only DVDs are more popular than games among. Continue reading

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While the beta version of the Yahoo Music Unlimited store started to sink in, attention turned this week towards a possible price war. Both Napster and RealNetworks stood firm against. Continue reading

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Roll Up King Sillerman Telegraphs New Play

According to, fomer SFX/Clear Channel roll-up king Robert Sillerman told graduates of Boston’s Emerson College that there is "seismic shift" occurring in media and entertainment. Sillerman used some examples. Continue reading

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Digital Music News’ Resnikoff On The Record Business vs. The Music Business

Experted from his "Parting Shot" column in Digital Music News: "…(Declining) CD sales are only one part of a much larger picture. Sure, tremendous attention is paid to declining major. Continue reading

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Are Condom Makers Smarter Than Record Label Execs?

Are Condom Makers Smarter Than Record Label Execs? It’s an age old question; and we’re afraid that once again label execs are on the short end of the brain stick. . Continue reading

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Are Condom Makers Smarter Than Record Label Execs?

Are Condom Makers Smarter Than Record Label Execs? It’s an age old question, and we’re afraid that once again label brass are on the short end of the brain stick.. Continue reading

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Virgin Megastore Continues Loosing Trends. Deeper Fill Returns As Competittve Advantage.

Digital Music News reports that the Virgin Megastores have "reported a loss of over 68 million pounds ($124.9 million) for 2004, blaming stiff competition from supermarkets for the slide. The. Continue reading

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