Sonicbids & Bandzoogle Partner

Sonicbids has partnered with musician website platform Bandzoogle to help it's members create robust websites without hiring a designer. Members can sign up for Bandzoogle from their Sonicbids dashboard, import. Continue reading

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Matthew Ebel: The Manifesto Of A Voice

This guest post is by Matthew Ebel, a piano rocker who tells stories using technology. His music has spread worldwide thanks to podcasting, Second Life, UStream and his own subscription. Continue reading

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Are You One Of 7462 RootMusic Artists Owed $5.3 Million From SoundExchange?

RootMusic, the company behind Facebook’s music app BandPage has partnered with performance rights nonprofit SoundExchange in an effort to connect 7,462 artists to $5.3 Million in unclaimed royalties.

Share on: Raises $8 Million To Expand D.I.Y. Musician Platform

Yesterday Hypebot called Geneva based one of the 10 Smartest Startups At SF MusicTech. Now has announced that they've received an additional $8 million in funding to build. Continue reading

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Patronism: Reinventing Musical Patronage

Startup Patronism combines crowdfunding and fan clubs to create a platform for ongoing artist support. Rather than simply donating money or getting a package of swag for your contribution, Patronism. Continue reading

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News Brief: Zynga Builds Lady GagaVille, Sony Still Down, Rdio’s Fate, Indie Session Musicians, & More

Online gaming giant Zynga has announced an ongoing partnership with Lady Gaga that includes GagaVille (a neighbor to FarmVille), as well as game-card tie ins and other merchandising opportunities. (Business. Continue reading

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An Introduction To The Self-Released Album

You have been working hard, playing your music and finally have a couple songs or maybe even an album. The question is: How do I sell my music or get. Continue reading

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Soundcloud Launches Experimental Labs, Partners With

SoundCloud has launched SoundCloud Labs, a site dedicated to experimental projects and features built on its API. The company also announced a partnership that enables a SoundCloud-supported mp3 streams directly. Continue reading

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Kickstarter Added $13 Million To New Music Economy In Just 2 Years

Kickstarter turned two years old today and shared some stats that show just how important their fan funding platform has been to d.i.y.  music and the new music economy. Overall. Continue reading

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Spoon’s Jim Eno On Artist Diversification [VIDEO]

At the Rethink Music yesterday, Spoon drummer and co-founder Jim Eno shared thoughts on being a self-directed 360 artist and creating diversified income. Eno is also a producer whose work includes. Continue reading

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