
Feature•fm adds Bandcamp integration to drive artist revenue

Feature.fm adds Bandcamp integration so that artists and labels can automatically add Bandcamp links to their Feature.fm landing pages to connect with fans and drive more revenue.

Feature.fm adds Bandcamp integration

Feature.fm adds Bandcamp integration to drive artist revenue

Feature.fm says that it has the highest sales conversion rates on Bandcamp, meaning fans who visit Bandcamp from Feature.fm links are more likely to buy. By automatically detecting and linking Bandcamp releases, Feature.fm streamlines the setup process, ensuring that fans can access digital music on Bandcamp.

“Bandcamp is a vital platform for Feature.fm’s artists to showcase and sell their music directly to fans,” said Daniel Sander, CCO of Feature.fm. “For many of our artists, Bandcamp contributes more revenue than any other source.”

“With this new integration, artists can easily include their Bandcamp releases on Feature.fm Smart Links, making it even easier to connect with fans,” said Dan Melnick, General Manager of Bandcamp. “It’s a great way to help fans discover new music, stay engaged, and support artists directly through purchases like vinyl, digital music, and merch – all while strengthening their connection to the Bandcamp community”

Feature.fm adds Bandcamp integration

Feature•fm adds Bandcamp integration: How It Works

When creating a new Smart Link or Pre-Save campaign, artists enter a scan source, such as a UPC or ISRC. Feature.fm then uses this information to automatically find the artist’s music on Bandcamp and include the appropriate links on their landing pages.

This streamlined solution ensures that fans have immediate access to purchase or stream music through Bandcamp, creating a seamless and intuitive user journey.

Feature.fm serves nearly 550,000 artists and reaches over 1 billion fans worldwide annually. TikTok’s SoundOn, EMPIRE, and AWAL are among the platforms that have embraced Feature.fm.

Bruce Houghton is the Founder and Editor of Hypebot, a Senior Advisor at Bandsintown, a Berklee College Of Music professor and founder of the Skyline Artists Agency

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