Music Business

Netflix will add Music Streaming in 2025 predicts Bobby Owsinski

We asked a few of our favorite new music industry pros to help us identify trends that will drive the music industry this year and Bobby Owsinski offered a bold prediction: Netflix will add music streaming in 2025.

netflix will add music streaming Bobby Owsinski

Netflix will add Music Streaming in 2025

by Bobby Owsinski, music producer, author, teacher and podcaster

I believe that Netfilx will enter the music streaming business in 2025. The company has deep pockets that are even deeper now that it’s cut back on original programming, and 283 million subscribers across 190 countries.

A bundle that includes music would put a serious dent in Spotify’s market share, as many streaming customers have begun to cut back on the number of services that they subscribe to. It would also give current Netfilix users another reason to continue their subscription with the company and drop another competitor’s service instead.Netflix already has a mobile app and the infrastructure to easily support music. The company would have to secure licenses from the record labels, but I doubt that any label would turn down an offer of another revenue stream from such a major player in the business.

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