
Mastering the Social Media 80/20 Rule: Engage and Promote

The social media 80/20 rule is deceptively simple: 80% of your posts should be engaging content and 20% should be promotional content. Put another way, if you want to keep fans engaged, no more than 20% of posts should “sell.”

Balancing self-promotion and fan interaction

On Episode 622 of the Music Biz Weekly Podcast Michael Brandvold and Jay Gilbert look at the importance of artists engaging with their audience. It’s all about finding the balance between self-promotion and genuine fan interaction.

They also explore strategies for creating engaging content, avoiding sensitive topics, and leveraging platforms like YouTube, Bandsintown, and Spotify.

The conversation concludes with a focus on the challenges of social media algorithms and the importance of consistent posting and directing fans to other platforms.


Next Steps to implement the Social Media 80/20 Rule

  • Implement the 80/20 rule in social media posting: 80% engaging content, 20% promotional content.
  • Incorporate open-ended questions in social media posts to increase fan engagement and algorithm visibility.
  • Create a consistent posting schedule, including weekly reminders for fans to follow on various platforms (e.g., Bandsintown, YouTube, Spotify).

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