
Spotify Countdown Pages: A Quick Guide for Musicians & Music Marketers

If you’re an artist on the hunt for a new way to hype up your upcoming release, Spotify’s Countdown Page feature could be just the trick you’re looking for. Here’s how this new feature can help you make sure your next release is a hit….

by Randi Zimmerman of Symphonic Blog

About Countdown Pages

Spotify Countdown Pages

Marketing your upcoming releases can be stressful, complicated, and cost an arm and a leg. That’s why it’s important to take advantage of any promotional features within the platform where your music lives, so you can push your music to fans right where they’re already listening. One of those features at your disposal are Spotify’s Countdown Pages.

Countdown Pages are the new spot for fans to pre-save your upcoming albums, preview the track list, pre-order new merch, watch video Clips you’ve shared, and see a timer count down to the moment your release goes live, all in one place.

All the effort put into building the hype for your upcoming release often doesn’t directly translate into strong week-one performance. However, with Countdown Pages,  “…more than 80% of pre-savers have streamed the new release within the first week.” Plus, fans who pre-save your album on your Countdown Page will get a push notification as soon as it’s released, and your album will be automatically added to their library, making streaming faster and easier than ever for your fans.

How does it work?

To create a Countdown Page, follow these steps:

  • Log in to Spotify for Artists.
  • Go to the Music tab then Upcoming.
  • Select the release, and click Get started.
  • Upload Clips and tag your merch.
  • Review and publish!

You can create and edit the Countdown Page via the Upcoming tab in Spotify for Artists up until the release goes live. Once published, fans can start pre-saving your release and watching your Clips via your artist profile, the Now Playing view, notifications, and more.

📌 Note: Not everyone may meet the requirements to use Countdown Pages. To check to see if you qualify, see their eligibility requirements here.

To wrap things up…

When using Countdown Pages, make sure to Record Clips, add merch, and set as Artist Pick to ensure your page performs the best it can! In the meantime, stay up to date on all things music & Spotify with these helpful resources:

Good luck with your upcoming release! 🔊✨

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