
Learn Pitch Strategies For Musicians: Free Livestream

Learn effective pitch strategies for musicians that will capture the attention of industry professionals. These insider tips will increase your chances of getting noticed and achieving success in the competitive music world.

Effective Pitch Strategies For Musicians

by Chris Robley of Reverbnation Blog

There are times when you need to make a great case for your music.

Whether you want to book better gigs, secure a playlist placement, get an album review, or find sync licensing opportunities, you should:

  1. Capture the attention of industry gatekeepers
  2. Make them curious enough to listen
  3. Prove you’re a good fit for THEIR needs

But how?

Learn effective pitch strategies for musicians

Join us for this week’s Music Career Study Group to learn:

Bring your own questions, advice, and pitching stories too!

It’s happening live on YouTube and Facebook this Thursday, September 19th at 2pm EST.

Be sure to click the notification bell or RSVP so you don’t miss out. 

Join the Livestream

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