
Register a .MUSIC domain Free

Musicians, labels and music related companies have until Tuesday, September 10th to register a .MUSIC domain name free.

register .MUSIC domains

Get a Free .music domain

.Music uses trusted partners for registration, and Hypebot became one of the first to offer this service free of charge.

Taylor Swift and Lady Gaga are among the artists and music companies that have taken advantage of early .MUSIC domain registration.

A one-time $1.99 identity verification fee is refundable if the user does not get the requested domain and does not want an alternative domain. Hypebot does not profit from this transaction.

The domain will launch globally in October at retail prices set by ICANN-accredited domain registrars and resellers.

Register a .MUSIC Domain FREE here in the next 5 days here.

Bruce Houghton is the Founder and Editor of Hypebot, a Senior Advisor at Bandsintown, President of the Skyline Artists Agency, and a Berklee College Of Music professor.

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