Music Business

The Impact of TikTok Algorithms on Gen Z: Uncovering the Truth

Learn how TikTok algorithms impact Gen Z and the strategies driving this and other addictive platforms.

The Impact of TikTok Algorithms on Gen Z

by Chris Castle of Music Tech Solutions

I’ve been concerned for a a good four years and with advancing velocity that TikTok’s is leveraging unsuspecting artists and fans to advance a murky agenda. And frankly duping most of the executives in our business into believing that TikTok was just another addictive social media site. There are many clinical issues with TikTok and the short video format, but behind all that is the algorithm.

CNN reports:

Allowing TikTok to continue to be operated by its current parent company could allow the Chinese government to covertly influence US elections, the Justice Department said in a court filing late Friday.

In a federal appeals court filing, prosecutors raised concerns that TikTok’s algorithm could be used in a “secret manipulation” campaign to “influence the views of Americans for its own purposes.”

“Among other things, it would allow a foreign government to illicitly interfere with our political system and political discourse, including our elections,” prosecutors wrote. The filing added, “if, for example, the Chinese government were to determine that the outcome of a particular American election as sufficiently important to Chinese interests.”

“Allowing the Chinese government to remain poised to use TikTok to maximum effectiveness at a moment of extreme importance presents an unacceptable threat to national security,” prosecutors wrote.

It should come as no surprise that the CCP government treats the TikTok algorithm as something of a state secret and has put export restrictions on the technology in an attempt to block any sale that includes the algorithm (which of course is TikTok’s primary asset).

impact of TikTok algorithms

A recent study from the Network Contagion Research Institute at Rutgers University may shed light on why this is all such a big deal to both state and federal governments in the US. That study finds:

Amplification of Pro-China and Irrelevant Content: TikTok amplifies frontier influencers (travel and lifestyle content accounts) and irrelevant or clickbait material, to crowd out discussion of CCP-driven ethnic genocide and human rights abuses on its platform.

Suppression of Anti-China Content: TikTok’s moderation algorithms significantly augment this suppression. The views-to-likes ratio for anti-China content on TikTok was 87% lower than pro-China content even though the content was liked nearly twice as much.

Cross-Platform Influence Operations: The CCP also uses frontier influencers and stateaffiliated
media to disseminate pro-China narratives to crowd out discussion of human rights abuses on Instagram and YouTube with tourism and culture content.

Psychological Indoctrination: A psychological survey of Americans (n=1214) shows that, among the platforms studied, TikTok screentime positively and uniquely predicted favorability towards China’s human rights record. Notably, heavy users of TikTok (i.e., those with >3 hours of daily screentime) demonstrated a roughly 50% increase in pro-China attitudes compared to non-users. This suggests that TikTok’s content may contribute to psychological manipulation of users, aligning with the CCP’s strategic
objective of shaping favorable perceptions among young audiences.

Strategic Assessment: NCRI assesses that the CCP is deploying algorithmic manipulation in combination with prolific information operations to impact user beliefs and behaviors on a massive scale and that these efforts prove highly successful on TikTok in particular. These findings underscore the urgent need for transparent regulation of social media algorithms, or even the creation of a public trust funded by the platforms themselves to safeguard democratic values and free will.

So there’s that.

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