Google’s Project Magi AI-driven search will change fan engagement forever
Project Magi will change the way your fans engage with you and your platforms on Google. Here’s what you need to know…
by Bobby Owsinski of Music 3.0
Google has been the major search engine for a whole generation of users now, and we’re all accustomed to the 10 results per page when you’re looking to find something. That’s all gone out the window now thanks to AI-driven services like ChatGPT and Bard. Google is not sitting on its laurels though, and rumor has it that 160 of its engineers are working on the next generation of search called Project Magi.

Answers Not Links
Project Magi is said to have a conversation-like AI-driven interface where all you do is ask it a question and it will give you an answer. This differs from the current configuration where it just gives you links to numerous sites that might have the answer you’re looking for.
That means that all that work you’ve done on site SEO might just go out the window, but here’s where it might actually be a better thing for you in regards to engaging with your audience.
Google is a public company that needs to please its shareholders and that means it has to make money. Until now this was driven by ads in the search results, but if there’s not longer search results, how will it see any revenue?
It’s All About The Transaction
The new Google will be centered around selling you merchandise. Think about it – if Google can sell you the item you’re looking for instead of sending you to Amazon or a website, it will make more money via commissions. But that also means that your customer will be one step closer to buying your merch.
As we all know, it’s so easy to get distracted from the time you click a link until the time you actually find that thing you wanted to purchase. Sometimes a well-meaning search to buy something can result in going off on a tangent and never actually purchasing the item you meant to. In other words, the Project Magi version of Google will cater to the impulse buy, especially since they already have Google Pay to make it easier.
Project Magi has not been released and we have no idea when that might occur, but we know it’s coming soon, especially since ChatGPT has taken the world by storm. For sure it will change SEO as we know it, but it will also change our buying habits as well.
Bobby Owsinski is a producer/engineer, author and coach. He has authored 24 books on recording, music, the music business and social media.
Mon témoignage sur la façon dont je suis devenu membre des Illuminati. Je veux connaître des gens qui veulent rejoindre les grands Illuminati en tant que grand membre des Illuminati et qui veulent que je sois un grand membre. Il s’appelle Lord Félix Morgan. Aidez-moi à retrouver ma vie après l’étape de la mort. Libéré après environ 5 ans et six mois. Après avoir été trahi par tant de membres des Illuminati. Au fil des ans, j’étais sans espoir et financièrement sur le terrain. Mais un jour, en naviguant sur Internet, je suis tombé sur le message du grand membre Illuminati Lord Felix Morgan et j’ai dit que si vous êtes l’un des grands membres Illuminati, vous pouvez être célèbre, riche et réussir dans la vie. Je l’ai contacté et lui ai tout expliqué et il m’a recommandé l’enregistrement utilisé et j’ai payé le grand membre pour commencer et j’ai été présenté à l’Ordre Mondial des Illuminati. Après cela, ils m’ont donné toutes les directives et m’ont fait savoir qu’après l’initiation, les nouveaux membres seront récompensés par la somme de 1 000 000 $ en espèces. Avec l’aide de Lord Felix Morgan. J’ai été pleinement initié en tant que membre à part entière des Illuminati. Si votre opinion est que vous avez déjà essayé un escroc ou que vous l’êtes, c’est à moi de vous aider à participer, alors essayez Lord Morgan. C’est votre meilleure chance de devenir ce que vous voulez dans votre vie future. Contactez-le par WhatsApp +2348056051569 ou par email : Illuminatiofficial565@gmail.com