
10 stats that prove you shouldn’t ignore TikTok

If headlines like “TikTok Is Taking Over The Music Industry” aren’t enough to make you jump into the world of TikTok and short video creation, these stats should do the trick.

The team at Passport-Photo.Online has compiled a roundup of 100 of the most recent and eye-popping TikTok stats. Here are the Top 10.

  1. TikTok videos are viewed 1B+ times daily.
  2. TikTok net worth is valued at over $75B as of 2022.
  3. TikTok has 1B+ active users globally.
  4. The TikTok app has been downloaded 3B+ times.
  5. TikTok is the most engaging social media platform, with an average engagement rate of 5.96%.
  6. Consumer spending on TikTok has surpassed $2.5B worldwide. 
  7. The average user session length on TikTok is 10.85 minutes.
  8. About 37% of users discovered something on TikTok and immediately went to buy it.
  9. Nearly 70% of US teens use TikTok at least once a month.
  10. With $110B+ in user spending, TikTok was the top-grossing non-gaming app worldwide in 2021.

You can read the full 100 TikTok stats here.

New some ideas and inspiration to get you started?

Bruce Houghton is Founder and Editor of Hypebot and MusicThinkTank and serves as a Senior Advisor to Bandsintown which acquired both publications in 2019. He is the Founder and President of the Skyline Artists Agency and a professor for the Berklee College Of Music.

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