Why you should pre-register your .music domain NOW
The .music domains will be available in the near future, so read on to find out why it is important and why you should pre-register right away.
A guest post by Bobby Owsinski of Music 3.0
For years if you didn’t have a .com at the end of your URL, your website probably wouldn’t be found in a search, or remembered by anyone. Thankfully, that’s changed and now it doesn’t matter much anymore what the top level domain is as new domains have proliferated, and people got used to using something other than .com, .net or .org. As a matter of fact, plenty of new ones that serve the music community are now available, but the one that’s been highly desired for so long will soon be available as well, and that’s .MUSIC.
DotMusic Limited, the Cyprus company formed to own and operate the new .MUSIC top-level domain name (TLD), recently announced that the first .MUSIC domain is live on the Internet: www.nic.music. Sounds good, but that’s the only one so far.
If you wondered why there’s never been a .MUSIC until now, it’s actually been one of the most contested domains ever. There were 8 entities vying for ownership, which included Google and Amazon. DotMusic Limited was awarded the domain after it ensured Internet regulator ICANN enhanced safeguards and sufficient eligibility restrictions to protect music-related intellectual property and prevent music piracy.

As I said above, there are now plenty of new domains available and many can apply to music business entities and maybe even describe one better. These include .club, .audio, .live, .band, .creator, .film, .guitars, .hiphop, .movies, .studio, .video, .productions, and even .rocks. But the holy grail of domains has always been .MUSIC.
Although you can’t official buy a .MUSIC domain until sometime in 2022, you can pre-register for one. You can do that at music.us.
No one knows how much it will cost yet, but it’s worth pre-registering anyway.
Read more: https://music3point0.com/2021/11/09/music-domain/#ixzz7CIjSDv00
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Bobby Owsinski is a producer/engineer, author and coach. He has authored 24 books on recording, music, the music business and social media.