Look at what happens on the internet every 60 seconds
The internet is clearly a busy place, but just how busy is it? Here, we break down every that goes on online in the span of a single minute. Spoiler Alert: a lot.
Guest post by Bobby Owsinski of Music 3.0
We’re using the Internet more than ever in 2021 and the amount of communication is unprecedented. There are more platforms than ever and all of them are more active than ever before as well. Here are just a few numbers of what happens every 60 seconds online that might put things into perspective:
- Every 60 seconds – 500 hours of content are upload to YouTube
- Every 60 seconds – 21.1 million texts are sent
- Every 60 seconds – 197.6 emails are sent
- Every 60 seconds – 200,000 people tweet
- Every 60 seconds – 695,000 Instagram Stories are shared
- Every 60 seconds – 69 million messages are sent
- Every 60 seconds – there are 5,000 TikTok downloads
- Every 60 seconds – there are 2 million views on Twitch
- Every 60 seconds – 3.4 million Snaps are created
- Every 60 seconds – 1.4 million people scroll Facebook
- Every 60 seconds – 28,000 subscribers watch Netflix
- Every 60 seconds – 414,714 apps are downloaded from the Apple Store
- Every 60 seconds – $1.6 million is spent online

What all this means is that if you’re trying to get your content recognized, it’s up against a huge amount of competition – so much so that the task almost seems impossible. That’s why it’s important to start with just your smallest, tightest circle and work outward. If you have great content, and your existing friends and followers see it, it can get pushed beyond where you envisioned.
That said, there’s just so much content being posted every 60 seconds that it boggles the mind. If you’re a creator, the thing to keep in mind is that much of it is poor that will come and go quickly, but not much of it has any inherent lasting value.