SubmitHub: Getting featured on Spotify blogs, playlists [REVIEW]
In this case study, one user shares their experience using the service SubmitHub, a service which aims to connect artists with curators and influencers, in lieu of and expensive PR agency.
In this latest piece from MusicThinkTank, Caleb J. Murphy details their experience with SubmitHub, including the process of submission, their overall experience, and their final takeaways.
“With each submission, you can include a note, which could be more background on the song, where the song’s drop is, or whatever else you want. You can submit your music using Standard credits, which are free, or you can use Premium credits, which you have to pay a small fee for (more on the cost later). According to SubmitHub, the Premium credits “get a quicker response, a guaranteed listen, and feedback even if it’s a ‘no, thanks.’” These credits also move you to the top of the curators’ lists with the other Premium credit users, above anyone else who has submitted with Standard credits. So curators give Premium credit users top priority.”
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