6 tips for (eventually) performing a concert
In person shows are still off the table for now, but as artists and audiences alike eagerly imagine a return to the bright lights of concert venue, here are a few tips for performers to keep in mind for when they can one day play gigs again.
In this recent piece from MusicThinkTank, contributor Kevin Gardner offers some pointers for how to make sure your next performance goes as smoothly as possible.
“If you’re a musician, you’ve probably heard something like “early is on time, on time is late, and late is unacceptable.” Even if you’re giving a solo concert, you need to arrive at the venue early enough to set up and prepare. Then, you can do a soundcheck before any audience members arrive, so you can avoid spoiling the concert.
“Some musicians get to the venue an hour and a half to two hours before the performance. Musicians may arrive earlier or later than that, but you should get there at least half an hour to an hour ahead of time. Then, you can find parking and make your way to the performance space. And you can set up your instrument and any other gear you have.”